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Airlines vow to halve carbon emissions by 2050

"The aviation industry will tomorrow make a dramatic pledge to slash carbon dioxide emissions in half by 2050 in a move that will force up air fares and spark a green technology race among aircraft manufacturers."


Copenhagen: This is not any old summit. Poker diplomacy has to end

"The world's fate hangs on Copenhagen. From today, all of us, developing countries too, must join in a new, open dialogue"

Category: Climate Change


Military robot 'hops' over walls

"Video footage has been released of a robot that can leap over obstacles more than 7.5m (25ft) high."

Category: Robotics


Distant world 'has rocky surface'

"Astronomers say they are now confident that a planet orbiting a star some 500 light-years away is rocky."

Category: Space


UK to make largest wind turbines in the world

"Energy and climate change secretary announces funding for a new factory that will make the largest offshore windblades in the world"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 981 to 985 out of 2977